Friday, May 21, 2004

Pentecost novena

I've never heard of a novena before - thanks Maggi ( - I'm using the browser I don't know how to do links on again!) for introducing me to the concept.

She and a few others are going to blog through these next 9 days between the times when people who follow a church calendar remember the ascension and pentecost.

This time really is about waiting and this time for me is also about waiting - I'm very conscious of that.

So I think it's a pretty relevant theme for me at the moment ...

So let me ask you a question: what have you assumed about the time when the disciples were in the upper room ... about the time when Jesus said "wait until I give you power from on high"? Why do you think that Jesus said to wait? What do you think it was like for the disciples?
mmm ... think I am in for an interesting and fun 9 days - stay tuned!

But today let me leave you with a prayer that was in a service I went to recently and that has been very real for me:

"Let us pray to the Lord, that we may be open to go where God sends us:
Christ, whose insistent call
disturbs our settled lives:
give us discernment to hear your word,
grace to accomplish our tasks,
and courage to follow empty-handed
wherever you may lead,
so that the voice of your gospel
may reach to the ends of the earth.


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